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SiteWise health and safety ‘Green’ score

Metal Craft Ltd was assessed by SiteWise contractor health and safety system in May and are proud to now model the ‘Green’ performance score. This demonstrates that we are committed to health and safety by having the correct documentation, practices,…

York Valley stormwater intake grills

Check out these before and after photos of the intake structure upgrade at York Valley.  Another example of Metal Craft working closely with a Nelson City Council contractor, in this case Nelmac, to help protect many homes in York Valley…

Handrail with a view in Kaiteriteri

The Metalcraft team enjoyed the great view on this job! This handrail was manufactured by us to Tasman District Council specifications and installed for Fulton Hogan near Kaiteriteri in Tasman Bay.

Motueka Water Supply and Treatment Plant

We are delighted to have be part of this project with Tasman District Council. Here's the article from TDC The sparkling new Motueka water supply and treatment plant is about to go on tap. Currently, household water for those on…

water reservior golden bay

Water Reservoir Upgrades Golden Bay

Water Reservoir Upgrades Golden Bay - Metal Craft Ltd designed, manufactured and installed a new discharge pipe work for Downer on the Tasman District Council Reservoir. 50 year design life, also maintained potable water supply for duration of works. Contact…

new aqualid installations

Aqualids replacing old unsafe lids

More Aqualids replacing old unsafe lids making our community safer places to be, and Nelson City Council making a safe work environment for their staff. Aqualid features include: Load rated to Class C Gas strut assisted lid opening Slip resistant…

Aqualids for Large Pump Station in Nelson

Large pump station in Nelson, refitted with Aqualids designed and built by Metalcraft Ltd.  Features of our Aqualids: Flush top – no hazard trip Padlock covered Safety grate option Non-slip surface Colours available to suit different environments Marine grade alloy…

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